Computing - Motherboard & Desktop Computing
Data Spotlight: The Worldwide Motherboard Industry, 3Q 2013
July 31, 2013 / Evelyn Chang
13 Page, Statistics Report


In the second quarter of 2013, the worldwide motherboard shipment volume saw a 5% sequential decline to 33.11 million units due to the lower-than-expected sales of Intel Haswell processor. The 8 series chipsets on Haswell architecture were found design flaws upon releasing, which discouraged consumers from purchasing Haswell-powered models. Meanwhile, as China and other emerging countries have become major markets of motherboards, value-line products have posted a stronger demand than high-end ones. The industry's shipment value therefore dropped sequentially 5.2% to US$1.43 billion. Looking ahead to the third quarter, it is expected that the back-to-school demand and inventory buildup for October holidays in China will boost the industry's shipment volume and value sequentially.
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